Thursday, January 14, 2016

Miss Representation

     Women in most Western societies have almost always been treated as less than men. In this day and age, it should be something that is long gone by now, but a big part of why sexism is still around is because of the media. The documentary "Miss Representation" explained that whether it's companies that want money, gossip mags that want stories, or political parties wanting more support or votes, any and all can find some way to treat a woman with less respect than a man would get. The media's messages that it sends to all genders targets women, and it has a detrimental effect on society. It makes girls think less of themselves and guys think of them as their inferior. Comments in the "news" about Sarah Palin or Hillary Clinton's looks and not the policies they are sharing discourages ladies from being part of politics. The photo-shopped ads and magazine covers and the high expectations for girls to look exactly like that makes them self-conscious about goals they can't even attain. Not to mention hyper-sexualization in companies' promos. It's fine for women to be confident of their sexuality, but using it as a grab for cash and acting if as though women exist purely for sexual favors is a big no-no. All of these things can lead to violence against women, depression, discrimination, and more. This cycle is also very hard to break, as there are hardly any women at the head of any operations, and their words aren't usually taken to heart because of their sex. If everyone truly took what "Miss Representation" said and worked for change this problem could probably be fixed very quickly and easily, but until the sexists of the world stop being that way, women and other minorities will have to fight to prove that they are- and be treated as- equals.

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